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Saturday 23rd


Full 2 day Festival Pass

£50/40 concs (excluding animation workshop)

Individual tickets

£6/5 concs. Links underneath each programme


All stills and further details from films being shared on the festival Instagram @brightonanimation

Award Guide:

U - Eligible for Best UK Film Award

Int - Eligible for Best International Film Award

S - Eligible for Best Student Award

Tickets > 

Strike Image

10am - Opening Feature Strike

Our opening screening features Strike, followed by a Q+A with the director Trevor Hardy.

New Generation

12pm - New Generation Q+A

Climate change, social media and autism are just some of the topics covered by this new generation of filmmakers, expect to see work from Hungary, Poland and Israel through to the UK.

Checkpoint, Dir. Jana Katton (UK) 5:50 S
Escape Velocity, Dir. Tamás Rebák (Hungary) 7:43 S
@scroll_alice, Dir. Céline Ufenast (UK) 3:37 S
In The Upper Room, Dir. Alexander Gratzer (Austria) 8:09 S
All You Can Eat, Dir. Dimitris Armenakis (Greece) 4:20 S
Wastopia, Dir. Qianhui Yu (China) 4:36 S
Ama and the Forest, Dir. Luzie Lillie (UK) 1:55 S
Shopping Sunday, Dir. Ambrozy Danko (Poland) 5:30 S
Jacinta, Dir. Jo Pinto (Portugal) 2:46 S
How To Survive The Heatwave And Stay Human, Dir. Ronni Shalev (Israel) 7:48 S
Looking for Answers, Dir. Emma Kelly (UK) 1:40 S
Cloud Boy: An Autistic Journey, Dir. Kieran Firth-Bernard (UK) 3:40 S
Gruf and me, Dir. Dovi Keich (Israel) 9’07 S
Hit and Run, Dir. Hannah Brewerto, dir. (UK) 4’18 S

74 min

Puppet Stories

2pm - Puppet Stories

We can still see the influence of these pioneers today in this selection of narrative based figurative films from countries including Spain, China, USA and UK. Expect beautiful craft in both tactile and digital puppet making.

The Clearing, Dir. Johannes Schubert (UK) 12:33 S
Hexed, Dir. Francisco Martins Fontes 4:33 (Spain) S
Heart of Gold, Dir. Emmanuel Renaud 12:45 Heart of Gold int
Elevator Alone,Dir. Anastasia Papadopoulou (Greece) 3:38 S/
Baloney Beacon, Dir. Max Landman (USA) 5:13 Int
Flour & Mush, Dir. Emily Wong (Hong Kong) 11:51 Int
The Condo, Dir. Trevor Hardy (UK) 3:04 U
Hiding, Tom Carey (UK) 4:20 S
Death Quiz, Dir. Lee Charlish (UK) 9:50 U

67 mins

Queer Contemporaries

4pm - Queer Contemporaries

Although Queer Animation is a relatively young genre, there have been an array of ground breaking films by a new generation of filmmakers that have arisen in the last few years. From gender identity in Purpleboy and Cut through to early internet chat room culture in Guy 101, these films all explore a unique perspective on queer culture and queer identity. Some utilise humour and imagination, some are factual accounts of lived experiences. From all across the globe such as Hungary, Canada and Isreal and through stop motion, hand drawn or pixilation, the one thing these films have in common is an engaging account of the queer human experience.

​Entropia, Dir. Flora Anna Buda (Hungary) 10 min
Hi, It’s Your Mother Dir. Daniel Sterlin-Altman (USA) 5 min
Guy 101 Dir. Ian Gouldstone (UK) 8 min
The Saint of Dry Creek, Dir Julie Zammarchi (USA) 4 min
I Like Girls, Dir. Diane Obomsawim, (Canada), 8min
Purpleboy, Dir. Alexandre Siqueira (Belgium) 14 min
The Night Cleaner Dir. Blair Fukumura (Canada) 5 min
CUT Dir. Dar Laor (Israel) 3 min
Manivald Dir. Chintis (Estonia/Croatia/Canada) 13 min
Modern Queer Heroes, Dir. Kate Jessop (UK) 5 min

78 min

Sounds and Vision

6pm - Sound and Vision and Q+A

“Don’t you sometimes wonder about sound and vision?” sang David Bowie. Yes we do Bowie! This collection showcases films that showcase a strong relationship between audio and visuals - whether it be music video, choreography, abstract visuals or more humour based pieces. Don’t expect a beginning, a middle and an end with these films, this is more of a wild ride of styles and form from figurative character based animation through to non narrative abstract.

When We Fell, Dir. Morgan Twiston Davies 4:03 (UK) U
True Sound Façade, Dir. Laura N-Tamara 2:30 (UK) U
Mountain, Dir. Harrison Fleming 4:55 (UK) U
Check 'em out 0:54, Dir. Eva Münnich (UK) U
Tagnachtlampe, Dir. Emily Bailey 3:54 (UK) U
Damage Control, Dir. Greg Doble 3:33 (Canada) Int
Vulcain et Aphrodite, Dir. Nicolas Diologent 6:05 (France) Int
Talk To You, Dir. Sheetal Thankey 3:45 (UK) U
Terror Fervor, Phoebe Parsons 6:00 (Canada) Int
Motherclucker, Dir. Greg McLeod 5:15 (UK) U)
Fluidity, Dir. Clyde Petersen 1:58 (USA) Int
Guff Maturity, Dir. Peter Millard 1:06 (UK) U)
POWER PALADIN - Creatures of the Night, Dir. Simon Norton (Australia) 4:25 S
Whisper, Rustle, Dir. Maureen Zent 4:42 (USA) Int
Rites of Spring, Dir. Yiorgos Tsangaris 4:31 (Cyprus) Int

57 min


8pm - Animation Karaoke

Animation Karaoke battle! Come down join in Animation Karaoke! Old 1980's cartoon clips will be screened at random for participants from the audience to come up and improv the voice over! Followed by drinks, mingling and maybe even dancing?

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