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12pm - New Generation Q+A

Look out for the next generation of filmmakers in this showcase of the best cutting edge of talent from both UK and International.

12pm - New Generation Q+A

Climate change, social media and autism are just some of the topics covered by this new generation of filmmakers, expect to see work from Hungary, Poland and Israel through to the UK.

Checkpoint, Dir. Jana Katton (UK) 5:50 S
Escape Velocity, Dir. Tamás Rebák (Hungary) 7:43 S
@scroll_alice, Dir. Céline Ufenast (UK) 3:37 S
In The Upper Room, Dir. Alexander Gratzer (Austria) 8:09 S
All You Can Eat, Dir. Dimitris Armenakis (Greece) 4:20 S
Wastopia, Dir. Qianhui Yu (China) 4:36 S
Ama and the Forest, Dir. Luzie Lillie (UK) 1:55 S
Shopping Sunday, Dir. Ambrozy Danko (Poland) 5:30 S
Jacinta, Dir. Jo Pinto (Portugal) 2:46 S
How To Survive The Heatwave And Stay Human, Dir. Ronni Shalev (Israel) 7:48 S
Looking for Answers, Dir. Emma Kelly (UK) 1:40 S
Cloud Boy: An Autistic Journey, Dir. Kieran Firth-Bernard (UK) 3:40 S
Gruf and me, Dir. Dovi Keich (Israel) 9’07 S
Hit and Run, Dir. Hannah Brewerto, dir. (UK) 4’18 S

74 min

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